
Follow Your Dreams.


Believe To Succeed.

Monday 17 April 2023

Good & Bad News

I'M SO HAPPY TO ALL OF YOU THAT ENJOYED MY LATEST PROJECT WITH CUNSPIRACY. I made this out of fun and learning new ways to rap. Flow is key to rapping. Now let me get into the point, I got good news and bad news. Good news is that I have many more ideas and many more projects coming out for all you guys, I love you all remember that. BAD NEWS IS THAT MY HOMIE, CUNSPIRACY GOT GROUNDED AGAIN. FUCKKKKKKKK We were just about to make two big tracks. BUT THATS ALL COMING EVENTUALLY. WE NEEDA PRAY FOR MY HOMIE!! #FREECUNSPIRACY #FREECUNSPIRACY #FREECUNSPIRACY!

Final Draft. 

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