
Follow Your Dreams.


Believe To Succeed.

Saturday 13 May 2023


     Love got me so twisted, got me fucked up. I'm in this fucking cycle where I keep falling in love with this one particular girl. I don't know if she wants me to make a move because we keep flirting. THIS SHIT IS HORRIBLE. WHILE AT THAT I GOTTA DEAL WITH old people hating on my music taste. Like I don't care but, you guys can be annoying. I don't go out of my way to say "DRILL SUCKS ASS I FUCKING HATE IT." IT JUST ISN'T MY THING. BUT I RESPECT THE MUSIC, UNLIKE YOU FUCKERS WHO OBVIOUSLY DON'T HAVE REAL TASTE IN MUSIC, BECAUSE YOU INSTANTLY CALL OTHER GENRES ASS AND JUDGE PEOPLE FOR THEIR OWN MUSIC TASTE. Okay let me calm down, I had a long day. 

When I said love got me fucked up, I meant it on god. I want to enjoy having peace with myself. Like I be staring at fields just wanting to feel the sun, but my brain won't stop imagining me with this girl beside me. It's actually insane. I really love her.. I fucking love her. 

Final Draft

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