
Follow Your Dreams.


Believe To Succeed.

Monday 10 July 2023


    Being younger, I was always shy about my work and shit. I didn't want to post shit or do anything because I was afraid but I did it anyway. Stopped doing Youtube when my puberty started kicking in, balls dropping and everything you know? but now I'm posting music, making art, god bro I have been making designs for tee shirts and I made a small group with me, Cunspiracy and my boy Harlem Goat. 

I started growing more confident, not just with music, but for who I am as a person. LIKE SHIT BRO IDGAFFFFF! but the more I show myself I see more people around me crowding, shit bruh some people even hate that I show myself. I got called a fucking Edgar, like aigh cuh.. (I'm joking) but it's crazy, it kind of motivates me to be out there more socially. 

Making Final Draft was all about being confident with yourself. Jonah was me. I was a sweet, insecure, shy quiet bitch who cried a lot. But now I just don't give a shit. I'm bliss, everything is bliss to me. I'm more confident now, you just gotta put happiness first. FTP! Fuck that pain. 

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